Dancing around the hospital, waiting for the nurses to induce me.
I loved being pregnant. And with the exception of intense heartburn, I had no overwhelming discomfort. (Actually, that's not entirely true. There were many moments when being pregnant caused "discomfort." I had to stop wearing panties around my sixth month because all of mine just sort of started sliding off. It was my ballooning belly most likely. I think it's important to tell you that because there was one unfortunate incident where I got hot and sweaty doing hair & make up for a friend's wedding and I had to discreetly hide the dripping sweat running down my legs that pooled in my shoes.)
Really though, the pregnancy had gone smoothly. My OB was very certain that we would be able to go through labor and delivery without any interventions. But, when I hit the 39 week mark and had not dilated, she informed me that she didn't like moms to go past 40 weeks and would insist I be induced at 40 1/2 weeks. So, I went in and had an ultrasound to check the fluid levels since I said no to being induced. As it turns out, I had been having contractions the day before, but I thought it was just Henry squirming. The OB told me that Henry's fluids were "dangerously low" and that I needed to go in and be induced immediately. I was devastated and terrified. Devastated that I wouldn't be able to labor naturally and terrified for Henry.
I cried all the way home, where I polished off a turkey sandwich, cheez-its, three pickles, and apple juice. They won't let you eat when you get induced, I reminded myself. I also showered, braided my hair, and put on make up. I had always planned to do these things during first stage labor anyway. The trip to the hospital was surreal and I felt AWFUL for Kyle. I knew he wanted me to have the birth experience of my dreams and it was killing him to see me unhappy. But then I remembered how AWESOME it was to be in the hospital. Free cable, a comfy bed, and lots and lots of ice!
Induction isn't fun. Your body doesn't get to experience the natural evolution of labor. There's tiny twinges one minute, then you're in full blown labor with contractions right on top of one another the next. It was not the most pain I'd ever been in, but it was an overwhelming pressure that took my breath away. (The most pain I've ever experienced was the night I broke my wrist and then did a cartwheel on it.) And the hardest part about it for me was not being able to freely move around. I had a bazillion things hooked up to me. Every time I changed position, someone would come in an adjust all of my monitors, which is super annoying when all you want is to be on all fours and put your butt in the air. And the pooping. So much pooping. So inconvenient to wheel my machine and unplug cords every time I had to poop. Which was A LOT. Bradley method techniques worked perfectly. I relaxed during these early contractions and didn't panic. Eventually I did start moaning really low during contractions. But I smiled and laughed between them. And argued with Kyle that the film Erin Brockovich was worth watching on TV.

Being silly and having fun.
I was experiencing back labor 15 hours in and thank goodness for Kyle being able to push on my back with his elbows and knees for three or four straight hours! The contractions had gotten long and intense by that point and I found myself shouting "Oh Lord Jesus! Oh sweet Jesus, help me get through this next contraction!" over and over. I knew how hilarious I sounded, but I couldn't communicate that to Kyle. The bummer was that I was not fully dilated yet. They came in and told me they were going to let me labor a few more hours, but if I didn't progress any more, they would stop the pitocin and have me sleep and start it all over again the next day. That sounded like the worst idea in the world.
"Oh sweet Jesus!"
I was emotionally and physically exhausted, having labored for 17 hours with no food or sleep. Kyle talked to our birthing instructor and told her the whole story--that I had been induced, hadn't dilated, hadn't eaten or slept, couldn't move, couldn't shower--and she told Kyle to tell me that it would be completely reasonable to think about an epidural.
Moaning into the bed, I felt a dull pop and then heard a bucket of water from inside me splash on the floor. I told Kyle to go tell the nurses my water had broken. When Judy (my favorite nurse) came in, Kyle left to go tell the family my water had broken. Judy came in with a test tube to collect a sample of the fluid to confirm that it was amniotic, since I wasn't fully dilated. She looked at the pizza-sized puddle and said nevermind, your water definitely broke. I remember whispering to her that I might need an epidural and I was too tired to keep going, but that I was sad to do it. She told me that was a great idea because there was already talk of an emergency C-section because Henry's heart had elevated too high and my blood pressure had dropped too low. Judy said I would end up with the epidural anyway with a C-section, but that I might be able to prevent one if everything leveled out. So I said I want the baby safe and I want an epidural!
When you get an epidural, they try to do it between contractions, but mine were so close together that there wasn't really time. Judy told me to count to ten slowly. A contraction hit right as I was sitting up for them to give me the drugs so I screamed ONE TWO THREEEEEEE DO IT! (Kyle wasn't allowed to be in the room when they gave me the epidural, so he can't vouch for that bit, but I really did say that.) Next, I think I fell asleep for about two hours and I'm pretty sure Kyle slept some too. I felt awful for my entire family sitting in the lobby waiting. We had been there for 20 hours at that point. Mostly, I was heartbroken for Kyle because he wasn't privy to the emergency C-section conversation between me and Judy. I was worried he had felt like he failed as a labor coach. Even though nothing had gone according to plan, Kyle helped me manage the intensity of pitocin and experience the joy of feeling one's water break!
I was given a "walking epidural," which means that I got sleepy, but could feel my legs. And though the intensity of the contractions were lessened for a while, I was not numb anywhere. The rest until transition/pushing is sort of a blur. I remember seeing my mom for a while and telling her my legs were tired. And I also remember telling the nurses not to worry about hunting down a mirror for me to watch, which is a shame because I really did want to watch, but was too loopy to remember. I felt contractions, but it was like they weren't happening to me, rather it was like I was imagining what contractions felt like for me watching myself. I also remember hoping that Kyle sleeps and knows how much fun I'm having and that I'm not sorry about the epidural. I felt a little queasy so they gave me a barf bin.
Putting my hand over Henry and hoping I don't puke. Note the barf bin.
I must have dozed off after that. I woke up panicked because the pain (and I mean ALL OF THE PAIN) was back, only this time it wasn't sharp, but very, very deep and concentrated and all consuming. I started to hyperventilate and clutch at things behind me because I felt like I couldn't breathe. Of course, I was transitioning, but once you get knocked out, you don't really feel the movement to that stage. I was just there. Kyle reminded me to breathe and relax. It was when I relaxed that I could tell that these contractions were really different from the ones hours ago. I could feel my little boy moving downward during each contraction. This was the most painful of all of the contractions, but also the most exhilarating ones and, weirdly, the ones I loved the most. I remember letting them just come in waves and marveling at how I was doing nothing to make it happen. It kinda felt like what I imagined the toothpaste inside the tube felt like when it was being squeezed down the tube to get the last of it out. It sorta freaked me out because I was watching on the monitor just how intense the contractions were and how much bigger the little mountains looked on the screen than before. But, somehow, I just stayed still, even though I wanted to yell and grab at things around me and cry and swear. I remember telling nurse Judy that I could feel pain. She told me that the medicine was wearing off and that it would just get more intense. She also said that my blood pressure was fine and Henry's heart rate had stabilized. So I just layed really still and stared at Kyle and relaxed everything I could think to relax. If transitioning contractions could make a sound, I imagine they'd sound a lot like the Lunar Module careening back into Earth's atmostphere, with this swelling in the background: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WvuJwMFPz4 until you get to that point and you know it's time. And I really knew. There was no doubt.
Judy told Kyle to help me sit up and help me squat. Then she pulled the big observation light down from the ceiling. It was so bright that I got dizzy and started to black out. Kyle said that I mumbled "No, I think I just want to go back to sleep for a little bit." But what I wanted to say was "I feel like I'm trying to move my ears, but I can't find the muscles to do it" because that's how I felt. I was aware that it was time to get up and pull my legs to my head, but I was too exhausted to do it or too exhausted to find the muscles to do it. I started to get really, really woozy then and I could see Kyle looking worried. Judy told Kyle that some people act like that when the medicine's wearing off and are getting ready to push, kinda like coming down off of a trip. Like the body is rejecting the fact that it's about to do something terrifying. Judy slapped my knee and said "Okay, Vanessa. You're going to have to do this again. Just like before, when you had to deal with the pain. No more medicine."
Kyle says I sat up and came back to life. And I pushed during the contraction and it felt soooo good. I also pooped and didn't care. I was so hot and thirsty and the light was so bright. Kyle fed me ice between pushes and it was the best thing I've ever tasted. I pushed a second time and Judy told me to wait, as she was bringing the rest of the team in. Kyle said he could see the top of Henry's head. I was so concentrated that I couldn't really talk, but I was so happy. Then I shouted "I need to push!" It was so powerful and I could feel Henry's head just bobbin' away. And the "team" had this weird look on their face. I need to push, I yelled!!!! They started whispering in the back of the room and I asked harshly "What are you whispering about?" They told me the only OB on rotation was stuck in traffic and I needed to wait to deliver until she arrived. Looking back, I should have just pushed Henry out anyway, but I was so protective that I would have done anything they told me to. Kyle says that I held back pushing for twenty minutes. Each contraction I yelled "I don't think I can't not push anymore." (I think we'd had five pushes so far.)
The OB walked in and I pushed twice and Henry was out. The OB said I had a lot of fluid for someone who had to be induced due to "dangerously low fluid." Hmmm. Interesting, no? I had a minor tear, which was stitched up quickly. I flinched when she started to do it. You can feel that, she asked. Obviously I could feel that. She offered local anesthesia, but why bother, I thought.
"Hey, Henry."
Henry swallowed amniotic fluid at some point during delivery (perhaps in those twenty minutes in my birth canal) and had to be treated in the NICU for a week. It was so, so awful to not have him with me every moment, but we got a few precious minutes together as a family before he was whisked away.
The NICU became our home. I actually stayed at the hospital the whole time in the Ronald McDonald house. I also slept in a Tempurpedic bed, which was fantastic. Henry was a breastfeeding champion, so it was very easy for me to be eligible to stay there to breastfeed around the clock. All of the nurses said Henry was a doll. It was so funny--he was so big compared to most of the babies in the NICU that he had to have a special little bed pad. Within two days, doctors were sure the fluid had not created pnuemonia in his lungs and Henry was sent to the step-down unit. Apparently, Henry was so feisty that he kept ripping his IV from his hand. Eventually, they had to put it in his head.

When you cannot take your baby home right away, you sort of think of yourself more as a spectator than a mom. When Henry was able to leave, I called Kyle from work and told him to hurry and come pick up his boy! But, it felt weird to take him out of there. It felt weird to put him in clothes! They just wear diapers and swaddling blankets at the hospital.
From the induction to the epidural to the stay in the NICU, nothing about my childbirthing experience went according to plan. But, it really didn't matter to me in the end, because I got to take Henry home at last.