Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Beauty is Not in the Eye of the Beholder

I could go on and on (and on) about how our culture functions on flagrant objectification of women and men in every way... blah blah blah... but I think it's probably safe to say that we all kind of agree that this is the case and it needs to end.  But I'm starting to notice this weird hypocrisy in Christian culture.  For some reason, people think it's okay to objectify your husband or your wife.  In fact, it's often encouraged.

I am seriously guilty of objectifying my spouse (and I mean lustfully thinking about my husband, yes) but I've gotten more convicted about it lately because really, there's nothing beautiful or loving about it.  Christian culture just sort of trains us up to think it's okay to lust after your wife/husband.  Lusting for your spouse is sometimes presented to couples as a potential relief from the temptations out there.  As long as you're married, right?  Anything you want to think about or do to your spouse is fine.  Please understand, I am not suggesting there be a laundry list of things that are okay to do/think and things that are not okay to do/think.  What's objectifying in one marriage may not be objectifying in another.  But there MUST be a standard of beauty in our one flesh union.  Is the sexual attention building something that life giving, or is it a consumption of the flesh?  (Of course, this dovetails nicely into my very strong opinions about why I am pretty much morally opposed to birth control, but I won't go there.  That's not what I feel is laying heavy on my heart tonight.)  

I bring all this up because there is, I think, another detrimental and less known outcome of objectifying and lusting for one's spouse.  I've talked with lots of women about this and there's always a general sense that a wife's duty is to visually please her husband.  And while that's all well and good (who doesn't want a beautiful wife?) I think there is a silent, but very dark and cunning evil to this line of thinking.  If there is no standard for the sexual attention we give our spouse, then there is very likely no standard for what ought to be visually pleasing to a spouse. 

I've heard the sadness in women's voices when they talk about what their men desire them to look like and how if they could just change ------ about themselves, their husbands would find them attractive...  The trouble here is, of course, the intention behind becoming desirable to a spouse.  It is admirable to try to be beautiful.  But, trying to achieve an image of beauty that lends itself to easy lust is ugly.  And, sadly, women don't see the urgency  in helping direct and shape and guide a man's standard of beauty.  If what a man or woman desires is in a spouse is physically unattainable, it is a false idea of beauty and therefore consuming and dumb.  If what is desired does not embody the wholeness of a spouse in the eyes of Christ, then it is a false idea of beauty, an impotent standard that must be altered.  We owe it to our spouses to  help shape their standards.  The consequences of objectifying one's spouse are detrimental, not to mention what this communicates to children.

Some may say that people just have different taste in things, which is true, to a certain extent, but there are standards.  We live by these standards in many ways.  An eight year old will eat chicken nuggets every day if he could.  Someone has to show the child that there are better, more helpful and important things to eat.  It's easy to like nuggets; it takes effort and education like spinach salad.  We must train and educate those we love to raise their standards for a greater good.  We should discipline ourselves, even in in our standards of beauty.  Just because it is easy to lust after a certain version of our spouse does not make it a good or accurate standard for beauty.  If one's tastes or preferences err far away from the true standard of beauty, surely it is our responsibility to help shape his or her thinking!

Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder.  Admiring a person's wholeness and their sexuality in the eyes of Christ does not consume.  Consumption leads to death.  Not objectifying, but rather building up our spouse is what we are called to do.


  1. I'm not following you completely. I believe that one of the God's gifts of marriage is having a healthy physical relationship with one's spouse. I don't consider this objectifying. As a marriage grows and relationships deepen, it is through God's gift that we are able to still find our spouse attractive--even though we have just picked up his socks and washed his skid-marked underwear for the fiftieth time. At this point in my marriage I know that in reality neither me nor my spouse would likely ever find another marriage partner. And I would never imagine my husband looking at me with the same mindset that he might look at another woman, if he were so inclined. Because I bring with me history. Knowledge. I know the good and the bad. He knows the good and bad about me. But I feel that if we know those things and are still able to lust for one another then that is a good thing. IMO

  2. What is a "healthy" physical attraction? Just because we can use our spouse's body to sexually gratify us does not mean that we've viewed him/her correctly. I think we are just using the terms "objectifying" and "lust" in different ways. Lust (seeing a thing as an object, rather than a whole person) is never loving. I am speaking about a current trend in Christian culture that lends itself to encouraging spouses to view their husband/wife as a sexual object: a tool for sexual gratification. Basically, use your spouse as porn. And I know that sounds really harsh, but it happens all of the time and not a lot of people are talking about it. That's NOT what God intends for us. John Piper talks about using one's spouse as "maniquin for masturbation," which is what I'm talking about. I DO think we are supposed to find our spouse sexually attractive, but that requires standards of beauty, which is the second thing I talk about. If there aren't standards for how we approach our spouse's sexuality, then we can't have standards for what is beautiful in a spouse--leading to the hideousness, wantonness, discontent, etc we see in marriages regarding the appearance of one another. If you're lusting rather than loving, then yes, you require a false image to "satisfy."
